Client: S.O.S.tenability
Year: 2022

Finalist: “Award for the most innovative professional solution or service”.

Magazine: Emprendedores


GIENOW is the line of CSR through entrepreneurship and innovation, called GIE NOW.

which its main objective is the training of young people who attend ESO in different educational institutions in Madrid in entrepreneurship and job training where we also seek to make visible successful entrepreneurs creating a bridge to share experiences with those who are just starting in the world of entrepreneurship young people 16-25 years, we do it with training and interviews, with video and podcast formats that we share in the following link

and on instagram @grupogie, following the line of innovation, sustainability and new technologies that we carry as a philosophy to make organizations visible.

#Rsc #Sustainability   #Entrepreneurship #Training #Design #Creativity  

GieNow has two aspects: one, mentoringwhere a space is opened to entrepreneurs for contribute with its tips in the development and inspiration from our students in these key moments of his life; two, the formativethrough a program where we enhance soft skills and hard business skills such as the search for your personal purpose along with strategies to build a business idea from scratch.

In 2020 GieNow receives a free license from the GOOGLE for EDUCATION program, which supports training programs around the world to bring non-profit training, thus relying on the G suite platform to deliver ONLINE training.

Training 2022 -2023

It was called emprender en digital, whose purpose is to generate related training programs.

Knowing that our stakeholders share and spread the purpose of #GieNow in their channels, is a very important value and reputation chain.